Qui se cache dans mon dos?

An actions song about parts of the body.

Penguin Song

An actions song about a penguin who comes to tea.

Shake and Stop

A song about stopping and starting together.

Hokey Cokey

A famous British song with a dance, sometimes known as the ‘Hokey Pokey’.

Wake Up, Warm Up

An actions song that speeds up.

Clap, Clap, Clap Your Hands

A simple actions song that is easy to improvise on the spot.

Tête, épaules, genoux et pieds

A body parts song where you gradually remove the words from the song.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

A body parts song where you gradually remove the words from the song.

Si tu as d’la joie au coeur

A famous actions song, originally from America.