Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

A body parts song where you gradually remove the words from the song.

Si tu as d’la joie au coeur

A famous actions song, originally from America.

If You’re Happy – Clap Your Hands

A famous actions song, originally from America.

بالأيادي صفقوا

A short actions chant.

فوّت إيدك جوا

An actions chant for different parts of the body.

La patate est chaude

A singing game about passing a potato.

If You’re Healthy and You Know It

A song about how to keep healthy in different ways.

Comment je me lave les mains?

A song about getting ready in the morning, adaptable to other topics.

This Is the Way We Wash

A song about getting ready in the morning, adaptable to other topics.