Hot Potato

A singing game about passing a potato


بطاطا مسلوقة

A singing game about passing a potato.

I Am Nadia, You Are Sam

A simple name game that can be used for other topics.

أنا أنا عندي صديق

A song about everyone having a friend.

يللا نعمر يا أصحابي

A song about growing up in your homeland, and helping your homeland grow.

بيب بيب بيب

A nice chant to sing at the start of term about going to school.

Dans sa maison, un grand cerf

A song about a rabbit and a deer making friends.

الأرنب والغزال

A song about a rabbit and a deer making friends.

Oh Sammy Malone

A simple circle game about choosing a friend, and not being alone.

يا سامي

A simple circle game about choosing a friend, and not being alone.