
Who Am I?

Give your children clues until they guess your identity.


Pick a topic to play for, e.g. jobs.

Flashcards of the jobs help structure the game. 

A ‘guessing chair’ at the front of the class.

Prepare some clues (it’s hard to improvise them). Start with general clues and then become more specific. 


Sit in front of your class in the guessing chair. Take one flashcard from the pile, e.g. for jobs a flashcard of a fireman.

Tell them you have a job and they have to guess which one.

Start with general clues and become specific, e.g. ‘I help people… I wear a helmet… I drive a truck… I use a hose’.  

It’s easy to combine this with letters by giving a final clue of ‘I begin with the letter f’. 

Tell the children to put their finger on their nose once they’ve guessed – but no calling out. 

Individual children or the whole group can guess after all the clues. Give correct guesses a round of applause (search Ways to Clap).


Instead of you giving the children clues, the children can ask questions (for ages 5 and up). 

The best are yes / no questions: ‘Do you wear red?’ / ‘Do you drive a truck?’ / ‘Do you put out fires?’

Play for your topic


Use nouns that begin with your target letter, (e.g. for the letter d, the words could be: dog, donkey, daisy etc.). You can also practice letters when playing for any topic by always making one of the clues ‘I begin with the letter…’.


Tell your children you are thinking of one of them, and they have to guess which one. You could say, ‘It’s someone wearing blue… he or she has long hair… he or she is sitting near me… he or she loves playing with toy cars…it’s a girl… her name begins with F’. Be careful not to say anything too personal, especially about physical appearance. 


Like with the topic friends, tell your children you are thinking of one of them, and they have to guess which one. You could say, ‘It’s someone wearing blue… he or she has long hair… he or she is sitting near me… he or she loves playing with toy cars…it’s a girl… her name begins with F’. Be careful not to say anything too personal, especially about physical appearance. 


You could say, ‘I am very big… I have a tail… I like spraying water… I live in the sea… I begin with the letter w’.


You could say, ‘I am yellow… I have a green stalk…I am very tall… I turn towards the sun’.


Play as described above.